Aluminum Zirconium Alloy Powder
Zirconium is an important element in the high-performance alloy field. Therefore, addition of Zr in such alloys can distinctively improve their mechanical properties. Zirconium is a specified minor addition to a number of high strength aluminum alloys. Al-Zr alloy offers the advantages of low density, high strength, high melting point, excellent corrosion resistance, and large elastic modulus, having wide applications as a new structural material in the aerospace, automobile, and defense fields. Aluminum-zirconium alloy powder has a density of 2.9 g/cm3, and its melting point is nearly 1100℃. Al-Zr master alloy is generally prepared by aluminothermic reduction in cryolite melt without alumina impurity. The presence of zirconium in aluminum alloys inhibits recrystallization and grain growth at elevated temperatures, enhances weldability by resisting grain coarsening in the heat, reduces susceptibility to stress corrosion, reduces sensitivity to quenching rate from solution temperatures. Primary applications of Aluminum-zirconium alloy powders include bearing assembly, ballast, casting, step soldering, and radiation shielding.
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