Fullerene Applications in Biomedicine: A Comprehensive Review - Nanografi
Fullerene is a carbon allotrope present in the form of a mesh consisting of five to seven atoms of carbon bonded together. Fullerene can be present in different sizes and shapes depending upon the category they belong to. However, it mostly presents in the form of a pentagon or a hexagon. Fullerene exhibits remarkable properties and characteristics because of which their applications have only increased over the past years. The major portion of their applications can be found in the me
5th May 2023
Types of Fullerenes and their specific uses (C60, C70, Fullerenols)
Fullerenes are
the allotropic form of carbon and a closed convex polyhedra, composed of an
even number of carbon atoms. The name fullerene originated from that of Richard
Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983), an American engineer, architect, inventor, and
writer, known for having discovered the structural principle of tensegrity, it
is the property of a structure that stand by the forces of tension and compression.
Fuller is also known for his works on the synergetic, his participation in the
14th Nov 2019
8 Applications of Fullerenes in Medical Field - 2019
Fullerenes (a
form of carbon nanomaterial) is an important element and can be utilized for medical and healthcare purposes. The unique properties and structure of the
carbon-based compounds have piqued the curiosity of many, due to which it is currently
undergoing a thorough investigation in order to be used for the treatment of
various medical conditions such as Diagnostics, Therapeutics, Toxicity Considerations, as Antioxidants, as Antiviral Agents, in Drug and Gene Delivery, and
5th Jul 2019